Music & Drama
Back to the 80's
Thursday 04th April 2024

Back to the 80’s
was the biggest production ever staged in the Senior School. Starting in January the cast worked extremely hard to get their singing, dancing and acting up to scratch. This show contains twenty-three of the 80’s most iconic songs and this posed a big challenge - everyone knows what they are supposed to sound like! Led expertly by Mr Stewardson, pupils were put through their paces and pulled off every number with panache. We are so lucky to have such a fabulous band; thank you Mr Henderson, Mr Findlay, Mr McRitchie, Ely and Frederik.

With great music comes the urge to really get moving and pupils worked extremely hard to get their moves sharp and slick. We want to thank every member of the cast that stepped forward and helped choreograph part, or all of a number in the show. The standard of their choreography was extraordinary and they should all be very proud.

This production took a Loretto-sized village to bring together. From the sports department releasing pupils for rehearsal, to our truly awesome Drama Captains Aly and Lara, this was a labour of love by all involved. Everything you saw was a result of pupils’ talent: costumes; props; lighting; sound design; make-up; hair and every energetic dance move. We wanted all involved to learn new skills, make new friends and have the ‘time of their lives’. Thanks last but not least to our enthusiastic and supportive audiences!

In the closing words of Corey Senior:

It's funny you know, life moves pretty fast and takes us all along with it.. I still love looking back on my high school days. And while they are all distant memories now, thankfully those memories of how we used to be at school will be in here forever. Have fun guys!

Mr Niall King and Mrs Helen Day

Thanks also, as ever, to Mr Henderson for his wonderful photos:
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