About Us
1987 Leavers Reunion

The Society was founded in 1947 to help former Pupils of Loretto keep in touch with each other and with the School. It has been uniquely successful in fostering a lasting and personal interest in the School amongst former Pupils. The Lorettonian Magazine, which has a large section of Old Lorettonian news and information, is sent every year to all OLs throughout the world. Membership includes virtually all those who have been educated at Loretto. There are also a number of Honorary Members who have been elected in recognition of their contribution to the life and welfare of the School. The Society has five regions both within the UK and abroad and at present there are around 4500 members.

The Society has close links with its associated organisations, the Old Lorettonian Golfing Society, the Fettesian-Lorettonian Club, and the Fet-Lor Youth Club, for whom details are on this website.

The day to day work of the Society is carried out by its Membership Coordinator who can be contacted by email at society@loretto.com.
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