School News
New Boarding House Structure
Friday 14th June 2024

You may be interested to know that the School is introducing a new House structure in August 2024. The aim of this new structure is to better integrate boarding and day students; in tandem with more effective use of spaces on our campus.

An unprecedented demand for boarding spaces in F5, L6 and U6 has led me to revisit our initial house structure to meet the demand for boarding spaces in our older year groups, especially our girls. I am delighted to share that the following final boarding house structure has now been decided for August 2024; and is one that best serves our vibrant community.

  • Schoolhouse will become a boarding and day house for boys and girls in F2, F3 and F4. Its structure, with two separate wings and generous social spaces lends itself perfectly to becoming a coeducational house.

This exciting new House structure enables students in younger years to better socialise with their peers – a full programme of fun evening and weekend activities is planned within and across the houses to benefit both full, flexi and weekly boarders. While co-educational boarding is something very new to our school, it is a forward-looking model that I know will be successfully led by the Schoolhouse Team.

I am delighted to announce that Mr David Pierce (Hon.) (Head of Mathematics) has been appointed Housemaster of Schoolhouse. Mr Pierce and his partner, Mrs Hazel Howat, a qualified nurse, and our Nursing & Healthcare Coordinator, will be moving into the house over the summer to look after the boys and girls in Schoolhouse. Both David and Hazel are looking forward to nurturing the children and creating a home that mirrors family life.

Holm & Balcarres
  • Holm and Balcarres will become boarding and day houses for F5, L6 and U6 girls thereby mirroring the current Pinkie and Hope model.
  • F5 boarding girls will live in Holm and Balcarres.
  • L6 girls will have the opportunity to express an interest in moving to Holm House where they will have a large part to play in the establishment of a β€˜new’ house.

All our houses have their individual styles, but I am confident that the family ethos will shine within and across all our houses. House Teams within each house will work closely with their boys and girls in the early weeks of the Autumn term to build a strong house identity and family.

I am very much looking forward to showcasing Schoolhouse to our students and parents – the bespoke furniture has arrived, and the team is working hard to ensure I can offer tours to our current F2-F3 boarders from the middle of next week.

Following a number of requests from current and prospective parents, I am also pleased to announce that from August 2024, Loretto will be offering weekly boarding as a further option for our families. We will therefore be the only school in Scotland to offer day, flexi, weekly and full boarding options.

Weekly boarding means a student will come into school on a Sunday night, or should they prefer a Monday morning, and go home once they have fulfilled their commitments on a Saturday; we will be exploring bus routes from the Borders and other areas in due course.

With best wishes,

Pete Richardson


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