School News
Exam Success
Friday 23rd August 2024

August. A month that’s filled with excitement and nerves for young people who await the results of their A-Level and GCSE exams.

First to receive their results on 15th August was the Upper Sixth. With 33% of students achieving A or A* grades and an overall pass rate of 99%, the results attained by our departing Lorettonians are outstanding.

These results have translated to students accepting places at top universities across the UK, as well as some international destinations. We are delighted that 100% of this year’s leavers secured destinations of their choice, with 86% heading to their first-choice destination.

For those going on to further education, the subjects chosen are as diverse as the destinations selected. With courses including Accountancy, Business, Dentistry, Engineering, Sports Management and Zoology, at locations such as Durham, Oxford, Edinburgh and Belfast, there is no shortage of variety in students’ paths.

Further demonstrating the diversity of leavers’ lives after Loretto, several students have opted to take a gap year or enter the world of work, either via apprenticeships or alternative routes. It’s incredibly exciting to witness the beginnings of bright and broad horizons for students.

GCSE students patiently waited an additional week for their positive news. However, the hard work that the Fifth Form has put in over the past couple of years meant there was no reason to be concerned.

Sitting high above the national average, 93% of Lorettonians’ exams were graded 9-4 (A*-C), with an impressive rise in A grades, in particular. Standout subjects include Art, Computer Science, German and Psychology, with 100% of students achieving 9-6 (A*-B) grades.

The ambition and dedication that our students have displayed this year and their commitment to their studies is exceptional, and we couldn’t be prouder of them.

It also goes without saying that none of this would have been possible without the unwavering support and guidance of Loretto’s incredible, experienced team of staff.

Well done, everyone, and we can’t wait to see what comes next!

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